OCEA Media Brief: What Should Orange County Do With an Extra $49 Million?


Voice of OC: What Should Orange County Do With an Extra $49 Million?
As OC homeowners pay more and more in property taxes amid a skyrocketing housing market, county officials expect to be swimming in nearly $50 million in new dollars they can do essentially whatever they want within the new fiscal year.



Voice of OC: Anaheim City Hall Struggles to Investigate Itself While Facing FBI Corruption Probe
One month after the probe prompted former Mayor Harry Sidhu to resign and brought federal charges against the Chamber of Commerce’s former CEO, Todd Ament, some council members found themselves stuck Tuesday on how long the city’s own investigation should take. And how much it would cost.

Voice of OC: Anaheim City Council Rule Change Could Bring A Wave of New Policy Discussions
Debates like rent control and officially recognizing Little Arabia could be landing on a meeting agenda soon – all issues the council majority refused to debate in the past – if only one council member asks for those issues to be discussed.

Voice of OC: Irvine City Council Looks To Limit Mayoral Power Ahead of Election
Irvine City Councilmembers are set to discuss asking city voters if they want to cut back the mayor’s power in the next election, potentially changing the position to a more ceremonial role.

Voice of OC: Attempted Newport Beach Back Bay Land Sale, and Emails Between County and Wealthy Donor, Come Under the Microscope
The OC Grand Jury is now voicing concerns over the ineffectual deal for nearly releasing public control of a plot of parkland the county once declared to be protected natural open space in 2003.

Newport Beach Independent: N.B. Public Library Lecture Hall Passes Another Hurdle
Architectural plans for the Lecture Hall have been submitted to the City of Newport Beach for a plan check, the review of code compliance for the proposed design.

OC Register: Two Tustin Council Members Try to Make History as First Elected Mayor
For the first time ever, Tustin voters will get to mark their ballots this November for the mayor of their choice. Historically, the mayor has been appointed annually by colleagues on the city council dais.



County of Orange: OC Health Care Agency Preparing for the Arrival of COVID-19 Vax for Young Children
In response to Sunday’s approval from the Western States Safety Review Workgroup and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is finalizing preparations to offer the Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech vaccines for young children ages 6 months and older.

Publication Date: June 23, 2022