Laguna Niguel: 3.5% Wage Increase and Small Dues Increase

Dear OCEA member,

On Tuesday, June 13, the OCEA Leadership Committee met for our regular monthly meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to address any urgent workplace issues and to make long-and-short-term plans for the Union. Please take a moment to review some important OCEA news:

Wage Increase and Small Dues Increase!

This Friday, your 3.5% negotiated wage increase goes into effect, as well as the 2% lump sum signing bonus!

In addition to much needed and deserved wage improvements, the new MOU provides multiple other workplace enhancements for OCEA members.

You can refresh yourself on the terms and conditions by clicking here!

You’ll also see a small increase in dues to OCEA of $1.93 per pay period going forward. Like every other labor organization, OCEA must responsibly deal with the ever-increasing cost of providing representation. Your dues have not been increased in over a decade. OCEA members will still pay one of the lowest dues amounts of any Union member in California.

Your union and its leaders know that you and your families face rapidly escalating costs of living. You can be certain OCEA remains committed to limiting its costs and, in turn, limiting yours.

Quarterly Meeting with City Management—June 29

Each quarter the OCEA Leadership Committee meets with City staff at a standing meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to proactively address any workplace issues and to maintain harmonious employee/employer relations. Our next meeting is scheduled for June 29. We will discuss the implementation of any alternate work schedules. If you have items you wish to be addressed at this meeting, or by your OCEA team, please contact OCEA Labor Relations Representative Linda Meyer at

OCEA Hot Dog Wagon Visits July 18

Please join us Tuesday, July 18, for a hot dog lunch provided by the OCEA Hot Dog Wagon! Don’t miss the Official Hot Dog of the Orange County Labor Movement from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Center. Open to all Laguna Niguel City Workers—so come on down!

In Solidarity,


Publication Date: June 27, 2023