LPS Market Study Update - Dec. 28, 2020

Dear OCEA member,

Over the last 10-months, a committee comprised of LPS Bargaining Unit members, other OCEA workplace leaders, and OCEA staff has been participating in a market study with Court management. During that time, the committee and the Court reviewed LPS salary data from some comparable California counties.

A primary disagreement we had in the process was the reluctance of the Court to include salary data from San Francisco and Alameda counties which OCEA considered relevant. Based on the counties that were reviewed, the Court determined no salary adjustment was warranted. The Court did agree to create a new classification titled "Jury Coordinator" for LPS workers assigned to Jury Services.

There is no question the process was impacted by the budget uncertainties arising from the pandemic. We will continue to pursue additional compensation in support of the LPS series.

I want to thank all of the LPS workers who participated in this process. Change is often incremental. The subject matter expertise you bring to the table and your willingness to stand together as colleagues make a big difference.

We will see what the New Year brings. Please stay safe over the Holiday.

In Solidarity,

Danielle Chau
Labor Relations Representative

Publication Date: December 28, 2020