Members only seminar: Save Your Own Skin with Memorial Care

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Dear OCEA member,

Memorial Care is partnering with OCEA to provide a series of virtual seminars promoting health and well-being. Our first seminar, Skin Cancer Prevention with Dr. Susan Lee, discusses a topic that pertains to all of us - how to prevent and identify skin cancer. Dr. Lee’s practice focuses on family medicine due to its versatility. She enjoys a broad range of practice areas, from sports medicine and urgent care to inpatient medicine and outpatient care.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. impacting one in five Americans by age 70. The seminar covers the following topics:

• The most common kinds of skin cancer
• How to assess potentially cancerous moles or sores
• Treatment for skin lesions
• Prevention techniques for any age

Dr. Lee's presentation is another installment of our ongoing “members only” series, which were previously held at OCEA Headquarters or at various work locations. Due to the pandemic, our seminars are not being held in-person but we are committed to bringing you relevant content that emphasizes your personal and professional life. You can view the 28-minute video by clicking here.

In Solidarity,

Orange County Employees Association

Publication Date: September 30, 2021