OCEA Safety Survey 2.0 - PLEASE COMPLETE

Dear OCEA member,

Throughout this historic public health crisis, you and your coworkers have been serving the community with courage and professionalism. The COVID-19 pandemic presents our generation with a once in a lifetime challenge and OCEA members are leading the frontline response. We know the only real leadership we can count on is the Union Strong leadership we provide ourselves. One of the critical roles our union plays is to ensure through our unity that we keep all workers safe

In April, hundreds of OCEA members submitted Safety Survey responses that provided critical information about safety gaps in the workplace. Those responses led to OCEA's strong demands for additional PPE, improved sanitization, expansion of telecommuting options, and other worker safety protections.

Much has changed since the last survey. As the economy reopens, and you and many of your coworkers are asked to return to the workplace, reported COVID-19 cases are steadily increasing. Your input is critical for OCEA to adjust its demands to meet these new circumstances. You and every other OCEA member are receiving an updated Safety Survey. Click here to respond. 

Please complete the OCEA Safety Survey by Friday, July 3  at 11:59 p.m. All responses will be kept confidential and will only be shared with your OCEA safety advocate. Your response to the first Safety Survey was outstanding and those numbers provided OCEA with powerful leverage in fighting for safety improvements. 

Thank you for all you do in fighting for the health and safety of our community and your coworkers.

In Solidarity,

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: June 30, 2020