OCWDEA Survey: Please Take This Contract Reopener Request Survey

Dear OCWDEA member,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the membership meeting last week. During the meeting we discussed the possibility of requesting a reopener for our contract. Before proceeding with this request, your OCWDEA Board needs your input.

Currently our contract term is from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2026 and includes the following salary increases: 

  • July 1, 2021: Received a 2% increase
  • July 1, 2022: Received a 2% increase
  • July 1, 2023: Scheduled 2% increase
  • July 1, 2024: Scheduled 2.5% increase
  • July 1, 2025: Scheduled 2.5% increase

The current economic climate and ongoing inflation are drastically different than when the Association was in negotiations. The above contract was the result of a difficult negotiations process that resulted in the District issuing a Last, Best, and Final offer. The offer was presented to membership for a ratification vote and was then adopted by the District.

As the economic challenges have lingered, the Association is considering the possibility of requesting a reopener. The goal of the request would be for the District to increase the negotiated wage increases in recognition of the difficult economic times. As with any negotiations, there are no guarantees that the District would agree to the reopener or to increase the existing negotiated increases. However, there is a possibility that the District could agree to reopen the contract limited to consideration of additional wage increases. It is in the best interests of the District to retain and attract the best employees. In order to do so the District must offer prospective employees competitive compensation. To reduce the risk of other negotiated benefits being impacted, the reopener request would be limited solely to general wage increases.

Your Association would like to hear your thoughts. Please click this link to answer a short survey and provide additional comments.

In Solidarity,


Publication Date: November 15, 2022