SSA CFS Potential Position Term Limits & Mandatory Transfers Update: Dec. 8, 2023

Dear OCEA member,

We are writing to provide an update regarding speculation about potential position term limits and mandatory transfers of SSWs and SSSSs within CFS (not including APS).

To learn more about this ongoing issue, click here.

After our last meeting, we sent Requests for Information to the Agency in advance of a scheduled meeting Monday, Dec. 4. However, CFS Director Jyothi Alturi cancelled that meeting. She communicated that there is no finalized project plan—and therefore no additional information—at this time. She said CFS management would no longer implement these potential position term limits and mandatory transfers in January 2024 as previously planned.

While implementation has been postponed, the County is still planning to move forward soon, likely still in early 2024. We expect an update around Jan. 8, 2024, and will continue to keep you informed as developments occur.

We also want to acknowledge the polarity of this topic. We understand there are members on both sides of this—those who support the term limits and transfers, and those who do not. As a reminder, OCEA does not take a position on a management right, such as this. Our role, and continued commitment to you, is to meet and confer with management regarding any proposed policy change and to strive to protect the interests of all OCEA-represented employees.

Once again, to date the County has yet to commit to anything substantive in writing about what a change might entail. We will continue to push for information and advocate for you to mitigate any adverse impacts.

In Solidarity,


Publication Date: December 8, 2023