SSO Frank Martinez Passes Away

Dear OCEA member,

It with a heavy heart that we report the passing of SSO Frank Martinez. His career with the Sheriff's Department began in 1993 with his first assignment at the Central Men's Jail.

Frank was promoted in 1997 and was soon assigned to the Airport Bureau where, in 1999, he was awarded the Life Saving Medal at the annual Medal of Valor ceremony. Frank was honored for responding with fellow officers to help resuscitate a man in cardiac arrest at the busy airport. His current assignment was the Security Bureau.

During his 28-year career, Frank also raised a family. He is survived by four adult children and his wife Elena who, like Frank, chose public service as her career working at the Auditor-Controller's Office.

More details will be available in the coming days. Frank is described as one of the best partners an SSO can have. Orange County is a lesser place with Frank's passing. He will be missed.

In Solidarity,

Orange County Employees Association

Publication Date: December 3, 2021