Urgent Action: Join Us at the May 7 H.B. Council Meeting to Fight Library Outsourcing


Dear OCEA member,

As you may know, the Huntington Beach City Council voted 4-3 in March to issue a “Request for Proposal” to outsource the Library. At that meeting, hundreds of community members came out to express their support of public libraries and public workers staffing the City’s libraries. The City Council will meet again at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, and we need OCEA members, particularly H.B. residents, and the community to show up in support of Huntington Beach’s public libraries.

If you cannot attend, please send an email to the City Council at City.Council@surfcity-hb.org indicating your opposition to outsourcing and your support for PUBLIC Huntington Beach libraries.

Outsourcing our City libraries not only hurts the City but is a dangerous action that demonstrates a willingness to undermine public service, good jobs, and our community assets. If one service is outsourced, then others are next. The only way to preserve good jobs in the City of Huntington Beach AND Orange County is to stop outsourcing now!

At OCEA we are strongest when we leverage our greatest strength—OUR STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Please stand with your fellow public servants and support your libraries! We’ll see you next Tuesday night in Huntington Beach.

In Solidarity,


Publication Date: April 30, 2024