Our Community: Our County
Orange County’s public servants are meeting this crisis with a level of courage and professionalism that fills our community with pride. Despite the efforts of our public servants, the health of thousands of County public workers is being put at risk.
This puts Orange County IN DANGER!
The Orange County Employees have demanded all public employers provide basic safety standards for all public servants in this crisis.
In short, we demand:
- Safety at work
- Stability in these challenging times
- Security for them and their families
Show your support for public safety heroes, by signing our online petition. We will use your name to show community support for common sense safety solutions.
OCEA letter to County CEO—3/13/20 OCEA Solutions for Workplace ProtectionsEDITORIALS

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COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards from Cal/OSHA
December 11, 2020
As you know, California has experienced a statewide surge in COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations. I want to make sure that you are aware of recent pandemic-related actions taken by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of California (Cal/OSHA) which impact health and safety in California workplaces.
Court Mediation Update
October 13, 2020
As many of you know, effects bargaining between OCEA workplace leaders, OCEA staff, and Court management over the Court’s proposed mandatory furloughs resulted in impasse. OCEA advanced the matter to mediation, which was held on Oct. 7, 2020.
Update - OCFC Forum, all-staff meeting
August 20, 2020
I want to thank those OCEA members who attended yesterday’s OCFC Open Forum/All Staff Meeting via conference call. Your participation and advocacy help advance our goals which are safety, security and stability for you and your families. That means a safe workplace for you and your coworkers, security in the form of fair wages and benefits and security in fair, consistent workplace policies.
Last day to take the OCEA Telecommuting and Flexible Schedule Survey
August 18, 2020
The deadline to take the OCEA Telecommuting and Flexible Schedule Survey has been extended through today at midnight. Your input is needed to identify the specific life and work challenges you and your family face during this unprecedented pandemic.
Your input is needed! Take the OCEA Telecommuting and Flexible Schedule Survey
August 12, 2020
Public servants like you have met the challenges brought by the global pandemic day in and day out.
COVID-19 resources for you and your family
July 21, 2020
As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues its disruptions to our lives and workplaces, we wanted to send you a brief reminder regarding our OCEA Resource Directory currently available on our website. We have compiled this resource document to help you navigate services available in your community and our state.
AMEA update: COVID-19 City budget impacts
July 17, 2020
As you know, our scheduled wage increase has been implemented. From the outset, we have strongly encouraged the City to approach its financial challenges wisely and cautiously. To date, that is what the City has done. We have not had any further discussions with the City or been informed of any negative impact of the City's financial condition on AMEA members. We do know that the City's budget shortfall has been reduced somewhat because of certain COVID-19 related expenses the City has been able to receive reimbursement for through the federal CARES Act.
County adopts voluntary incentives for worker resignations, retirements
July 16, 2020
On Tuesday, the County Board of Supervisors adopted a Voluntary Incentive Program (VIP) that establishes incentives to workers to voluntarily leave the County workforce. The Board also approved a voluntary furlough program, and the ability to opt out of the Sharewell PPO Health Plan. Today, County Human Resources held two information seminars via Zoom to explain the new program.
Reminder: Safety Survey Deadline Tomorrow Night!
July 6, 2020
As the opening of the economy fluctuates and reported COVID-19 cases are steadily increasing, you and many of your coworkers are being asked to return to the workplace.
Safety Survey 2.0 Deadline Extended!
July 3, 2020
The response to OCEA's Safety Survey 2.0 has been excellent and I want to thank all OCEA members who have provided an honest and clear view of safety conditions in your workplace. We just discovered that the service receiving and compiling your survey data is down for maintenance and won't be back online in time to give everyone a chance to respond.