Our Community: Our County
Orange County’s public servants are meeting this crisis with a level of courage and professionalism that fills our community with pride. Despite the efforts of our public servants, the health of thousands of County public workers is being put at risk.
This puts Orange County IN DANGER!
The Orange County Employees have demanded all public employers provide basic safety standards for all public servants in this crisis.
In short, we demand:
- Safety at work
- Stability in these challenging times
- Security for them and their families
Show your support for public safety heroes, by signing our online petition. We will use your name to show community support for common sense safety solutions.
OCEA letter to County CEO—3/13/20 OCEA Solutions for Workplace ProtectionsEDITORIALS

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OCEA demands protections for workers fighting the COVID-19 emergency
March 23, 2020
The past several weeks have been unprecedented for our nation and our union. We are adapting to new realities with the same values that have guided our union—advocacy, member involvement and strength in numbers.
OCEA is here for you
March 20, 2020
In compliance with Governor Gavin Newsom’s March 19, 2020 order, OCEA is further limiting the number of workers stationed at our headquarters at 830 N. Ross Street. The OCEA building has been closed to the public to limit contacts that could lead to a transmission of the COVID-19 virus. What is not being limited in any way is the exclusive representation OCEA staff continues to provide to you and your fellow OCEA members. Please see the graphic below illustrating how to reach all of OCEA’s divisions and services. Every member of our team remains on the job and available through telecommuting.
AMEA member update - COVID-19 response
March 19, 2020
Your AMEA Board is aware of the concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and has reached out to City management to discuss the City’s plan to keep you safe. Here at AMEA, it’s our priority to help ensure that you and your co-workers are provided adequate protections as directed and recommended by the California Department of Public Health.
Making Life Work During the COVID-19 Crisis
March 18, 2020
Every OCEA member’s efforts to balance work and family life during the COVID-19 crisis are unique to that member. We will continue to keep you informed as we learn new (and sometimes inconsistent) protocols being established by the County which may impact your efforts.
COVID-19 and Court Worker Safety Update
March 17, 2020
Last night, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye issued an emergency order authorizing the closure of Orange County Superior Court facilities to the public until at least March 30, 2020. A press release issued by the Court clarified that the closure is not in response to a specific notice of exposure at any Court facility or to any Court staff. Instead, it is intended to help limit the spread of the virus and the potential for future exposure.
COVID-19 and County Worker Safety Update
March 17, 2020
As our state and nation continue to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, worker safety is your union’s top priority. At our urging, the County took some steps on Friday, March 13 in an effort to protect workers, including enhanced telecommuting options and more flexible uses of time.
OCEA member safety and COVID-19
March 13, 2020
Over the past few weeks, OCEA has monitored the rapidly-evolving COVID-19 pandemic in the context of OCEA member safety and financial security. Your and your co-workers are on the front line routinely interacting with members of the public.
AMEA members! COVID-19 info from Kaiser
March 13, 2020
You’re likely hearing some concerns from your coworkers related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. To help you anticipate and answer questions from Kaiser Permanente members, we want to share how Kaiser is preparing for and responding to this virus.
OCEA Activities and COVID-19
March 12, 2020
Our union is a special place that brings us together as workers. OCEA’s greatest strength is its strength in numbers. This has been the foundation of our union since OCEA’s formation in 1937. In recent weeks, we have monitored the rapidly changing events related to the global spread of the COVID-19 virus. We have taken, and will continue to take, the necessary steps to comply with Federal, State and local recommendations to protect OCEA members and staff from exposure to the virus.
California 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Ends Oct. 1
September 28, 0022
California Emergency Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19 will end effective Oct. 1, 2022. This constitutes a significant change to your COVID-19 related leave options. The last pay period you will be able to post EPSL/SPSL will be pay period 21 through Sept. 30, 2022.