Social Services Agency

OCEA members in the Social Services Agency are represented by union stewards and a professional staff of labor relations representatives. Standing together, every OCEA member in the Social Services Agency plays a role in achieving better wages, retirement security and fair rights on the job.

The information below is a resource for all OCEA members in the Social Services Agency. Below, you will find a list of stewards and staff representatives for OCEA members assigned to the Social Services Agency. You’ll also find the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which is the negotiated union contract that sets forth the wages, hours and working conditions guiding your employment. And you can also find updates and news from OCEA about what’s happening in your agency and across the County.

Stay informed: Union news that affects you!

4.25% County Wage Increase and Small Dues Increase Friday

July 18, 2024

Strong contracts don’t just happen. They are the result of our union standing together and forcing the County to make improvements.


May 30, 2024

Iriss ran in the election unopposed, and with no opponent filing papers against her, she will take over Chris Prevatt’s General Member seat on the OCERS Board of Retirement in January 2025!

CFS Membership Meeting: Noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, May 14

May 14, 2024

Join us for an update on teh CFS Mandatory Term Limits and Rotation Plan.

OCEA Members Only: "Strategies for Dealing With Debt Workshop" May 15 at SSA Administration (500 St. College)

May 7, 2024

Becoming debt free requires a plan, and we can help you develop one. From getting prepared to tips to stay on track, your goals around debt can be within reach!

OCEA Special Events: L.A. Fair + Angels Baseball Offers

May 2, 2024

Don't miss members-only discounts for the L.A. Fair and L.A. Angels!

IHSS Caseloads

April 24, 2024

We have received a number of emails concerning a recent Agency communication advising Social Workers that they must schedule 45 cases per month. According to Amber Novak, this appears to be a miscommunication.

Items 1 - 8 of 475  12345678910Next

Kendall Ackroyd
Alfonso Alvarez
Victor Arizmendi
Adrian Bogarin
Denise Boyd
Felicia Burkeman
Myrtle Campos
Shannon Captain
Monica Caudle
Yajaira Cervantes
Daniel Cruz
Eva Cruz
Jose Flores
Cheryl Fuller
Jose Gomez
Michelle Grahovac
Tricia Guinto
Stephanie Hardy
Minda Herman
Laura Hosfeld
Pamela Johnson
Jeff Kanarek
Randy Lopez
Stephanie Marquina
Debra Martin
Santiago Mendez
Michael Mestas
Jazmin Morales Rosas
Julie T. Ngo
Alma Nichols
Angela Perez
John Provencio
Vanessa Razo
Rhonda Reed
Christina Tompkins
Mariluz Torrez
Frances Tu
Dena Turrietta
Veronica Valadez
Rosa Valencia
Susana Vasquez
CJ Wilkerson
Lois Wilson
Doug Windsor


Contact OCEA Get Involved


Carolyn Gasga

Labor Relations Specialist

Louis “Louie” Gurrola

Labor Relations Representative

Charles Leon

Labor Relations Representative

Veronica Rodarte

Operations Manager

Kerensa Schupmann

Labor Relations Representative